Friday, October 23, 2009

Monetary Issues in South America

Even though Uruguay, Argentina, and Chile speak the same language, and have the same named currency -- the Peso, all is not easy. Each country has a different exchange rate. With as fast as we have hit these three countries, it is not difficult, but not easy to adjust. Let me illustrate,... In Uruguay the exchange rate is approx 20 Pesos to the dollar. Not to bad, you just multiply dollars by 20 to figure out what you are paying in pesos. Now, you cross the border to Argentina, and magically, they have Pesos too, BUT the Peso is not approx 3 to the american Dollar. Hmmm, so now I am multiplying dollars by 3 to figure things out! My math is sharp with fives and tens, but threes! Oh, yeah, then you cross the border again! Nice border. The Andes separate Argentina and Chile. Once in Chile the magic reappears and the Peso does another transformation. Now we are not 3 to one, or 20 to one,... no, we are approx. 500 to one. Now things get a little interesting. It is easier to go from Pesos to dollars than Dollars to Pesos. For those interested here is the simple, easy, and close formula -- Multiply the amount of Pesos by two and then drop a zero, and add a decimal point! Let me illustrate: A 1,000 Pesos is approx. 2 Dollars. 1,000 times 2 is 2,ooo. dropo a zero is 2oo, add a decimal point is $2.00. A 10,000 Pesos bill is $20.00 10,000 times 2 is 20,000. Drop a zero is 2,000. Add a decimal point is $20.00, and on it goes. Hopefully if I travel without delay sometime about 5am I should be firmly home where is DOllar is a Dollar is a Dollar!

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