Thursday, October 15, 2009

South American Mission Trip Leg 2

I am sorry but there was no internet access for me to blog before now. But on to qhat is going on.

  1. Wednesday evening found Pastor West and Myself traveling with Sergio Duarte to the town of Young for a home meeting. The weather did not permit us to do any work in the neighborhood, so we were only in the home group. The family who allows their home to be used is the Comperro family. They are strong believers. The group is approx. 6, so with Pastor West and I we were 8. I was able to share my testimony and a special music number. Pastor West gave a translated message on seeing people like Jesus sees them. Afterwards we enjoyed a snack of Coke and some sort of cake. I was surprised and pleased as the filling of the cake was quince. Quince is a favorite here in Uruguay.
  2. After leaving Young, we traveld to Pasandyu in order to meet up with the rest of the group who participated in teh Prayer MTg. Service at the church there. We were quite late and so we stopped in Pasandyu for dinner at about 10:30pm. i enjoyed another Uruguay staple. It was a sandwich of beef, ham, cheese, pickles, tomatoes, egg, and other stuff. Sergio called it "heart attack on a bun"!
  3. After Dinner we made it to the camp. Everyone else was asleep -- it was midnight. So, we bedded down for the evening.
  4. Thursday morning found us all up and over to Dan Vallette's house for breakfast and coffee. Dan is the head of the camp at Pasandyu. We met his wife Rebecca. After breakfast we returned to where we slept for a time of prayer, and then off to see the Thompson -- Andy and Kollette. We support the minsitry of the Thompson family in Salto.
  5. In Salto, we toured the church and heard about the vision of Andy's for the work there. I was able to give KOllette the saucepan she asked for along with some Salt Water Taffy I brought for them. Afterwards we drove into the center of town for lunch.
  6. After we leave Salto we will be heading to the Hot Springs for a little relaxation, and then returning to Pasandyu for minstry, to repack, sleep, and then off to Argentina. we will then board a bus and travel approx. one hour to Buenas Aries. I will be picked up by the Strongs, and spend much of my time in Argentina with them.
This has been a tremendous expreience so far. I have had the opportunity to see the mission work of two of our supported missionaries -- Duartes and Thompsons. Each is excited about the work God has given to them. They have been a great encouragement to me, and I trust that I have been an encouragement to them.

If you would like somethign specific to pray for, here are a couple of things: A new van for the Duarte's and for the owner of the property next to the Salto church to sell it to teh Thompsons.

Thats all for now, hope to write again soon.

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